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Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Meaning of a Red Front Door

Red Front Door Color, What does it Mean? 

Growing up, I lived in New England for a short while. The quaint cottage style homes with their different colored front doors were always very noticeable features for a Texas girl, especially when the snow was on the ground.  Now, as I continue to practice Real Estate and study Home Trends, I ponder on why some choose the color Red. Is there a meaning and why did they choose that color?

Recently, I sold a home with a Red Door and in my research, one reason I found most popular was that in Scotland, it was a tradition to paint your door Red when you paid off your mortgage! Sounds good to me and what a goal to have! However, not every Red Door means that the home is mortgage free.

An early American Tradition meant that the home would welcome tired travelers and that the home was a safe place to hang their head for the night. During the Civil War it was used as a sign of refuge that helped guide slaves to safety.

Red is considered to be lucky to the Chinese and they would repaint their door as part of the New Year tradition.

In Feng Shui, Bold colors are said to invite Positive Energy and Red is said to invite abundance and opportunities.

One Final and Most Intriguing meaning of a Red Door is that of early history in Biblical times that notes painting the door with the blood of a Lamb would protect the residents or even the church. It was said that the Angel of Death would pass over these homes. Some Churches use Red Doors as protection as well saying that everything within it's walls are protected from evil spirits.Others paint their Church door as a symbol of Jesus' shed blood and that the area inside the doors is sacred and holy.

In all his brilliance, some say that Albert Einstein painted his door Red so he could remember which one was his!

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